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AEESB Featured on HBIChicago



We can’t wait to watch this week’s feature throw down tomorrow on EDM Chicago’s Virtual Playground 2.0. AEESB is a multi-talented artist, her talents ranging as a DJ & producer to a graphic designer, photographer, and audio engineer.

From South Carolina, AEESB has always been inspired by music, including collecting vinyl, creating playlists, and digging into the music of other female DJs in the Industry. It was in her move to Atlanta for school that really jump started her career in the music industry. Seeing her first controller at a house party back in 2016 gave realism to her dream, realizing she didn’t need a degree to dive into music. From there, she began her journey as an artist, producing and creating music.

For AEESB, the best part is the feeling behind the board, watching the crowd vibe on the dance floor. Seeing the happy crowd inspires her as much as feeling all the love in one room. It’s this inspiration that has taken her into other faucets of the industry.

She is not just simply DJ, but a photographer, graphic designer, audio engineer, and so much more. This has sparked her current project during quarantine. The project “Inspo Studios” has been in the works with her friend & partner, a studio that would incorporate photography and jam sessions in a safe and creative space. 

Now, AEESB is digging back into music with some creative inspirations during quarantine as well as joining the powerhouse all-female lineup for Virtual Playground 2.0 tomorrow. Tune in and catch her set at 7:00pm CT and 8:00pm ET. 

Stay up to date with this powerhouse by following her over at @aeesb. You can also keep up with all her latest mixes, livestreams, & everything in between at her website,!

Written by: Katie Gwen (@iamkatiegwen)